✨First-Gen Money Coach✨
Tessina Padgett, Certified Master Coach | Treasure Life Program
A successful, certified financial master coach, public speaker, real estate investor, trusted financial executive, and a 1st-generation high-income earner.
Money was scarce for her family while growing up. 'College' and 'homeowner' were not common household terms; however, she accomplished both! Her undergraduate studies were completed with no student loan debt; and, by the age of 25, she purchased her first residential home.
Her diverse experience as a corporate finance director, trainer, and public service financial analyst, made her an advocate for partnership, collaboration, taking action; and, building on ones strengths and experiences to create a life and work that are fun, flexible, energizing, contributory, and financially rewarding.
She has been a best-in-class, financial analyst and business/financial strategist for more than 20+ years, specifically entrusted with budgets|forecasts|analyses of multi-million dollar entities & several multi-billion dollar projects.
Prior to coaching, her accomplishments included facilitating a small business firm's largest growth era, which grew to $900M+ in annual revenues; managing various financial aspects of a firm's largest operations group, with annual revenues of $1.2B; and, serving as a financial subject matter expert at an enterprise level to federal government headquarter offices (including handling multiple billion-dollar efforts). When there are billions at stake, she's the call to make!
She honed her skills in marketing, finance, money management, and the fine art of collaborating with various expert partners, to achieve success. As a middle child raised to put others before herself, she has broken free of common burdens carried only by 1st-generation high-income earners.
Her coaching clients have realized gains in all areas of their personal and business worlds including accountability, focus, communication skills, self-development, and bottom line increased financial wellness, savvy, and success.
She obtained her undergraduate degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix and is a certified life coach, with more than 200 hours of coach specific training.
DISCLAIMER: As a financial coach, she is not a financial planner and/or tax advisor|accountant and do not hold any certifications thereof. She simply shares personal knowledge and experience that has been learned in her own journey and hope to motivate you and keep you inspired.

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