Money Gems

Addressing the needs of 1st Generation Financially Successful Professionals

Keeping forward motion is crucial to your journey as a 1st generation financially successful person.  Your legacy is your family’s new financial trajectory.  We are rooting for you, every step of the way! Cheers to your financial success, your mental well-being, and the pursuit of caring for your family for generations to come. 

Money Behavior Toolkit

Your financial success doesn’t stop at having money.  Your financial journey is not on autopilot because of the level of financial security, stability, freedom, and/or abundance you have been able to achieve.

The Bloomberg billionaires index shows, in 2022, almost $1.4 trillion was wiped from the fortunes of the richest 500 [people] alone worldwide.  CNBC reports the United States’ billionaires lost $660 billion collectively in 2022, the highest of any country by Forbes’s count, in part, because of rising interest rates, soaring inflation and a worsening economy.  Your personal economy is what’s important.  At all money levels--interest rates, soaring inflation and a worsening economy hits home.  Having money is one thing, what you do with money is another thing. 

“Most billionaires don't have stacks of cash lying around. Their wealth gets tied up in assets that are hard to sell and move” --TIM DENNING

How to handle having money keeps you in the driver's seat of your finances and your desired lifestyle.  So, what is a good money behavior toolkit?  It's a collection of references, guides, and beliefs fostering your well-being with money.

Just as most people experience triggers to address money problems, there are a number of ways you can experience triggers to maintain your financial success.


  Money Toolkit - Crunchbase Company Profile & FundingYour money behavior toolkit is uniquely designed to give you clues and set triggers to drive your money behavior, keeping you honest with money.

What's a money behavior toolkit?  It's a collection of resources designed to actively address your financial habits, identify areas for improvement, and make informed financial decisions.  Welcome to the secret sauce!  

To drive positive money behavior, it can be helpful to incorporate specific triggers that motivate action and make positive financial choices. Here are three money triggers you use to build a good money behavior toolkit:

  • Set clear financial goals that align with your aspirations
  • Incorporate rewards and incentives to reinforce positive financial behaviors
  • Engage in peer support as a powerful trigger for maintaining positive financial habits.

A bad time to get in tune with who you are with money is during a money crisis; after all it’s a CRISIS! Most 1st generation financially successful professionals have one primary goal—never  revert financially, no matter what.  Honor your goal with a good money behavior toolkit that keeps your financial journey winning with your money.